Increasing Transparency. We seek to increase transparency on two related issues:
Budget Transparency. We believe it is vital that faculty not only see the university budget, but also understand decisions behind funding allocation and have a voice in how allocated funds are spent across our campus community.
Transparency Around Administrative Growth. Recent years have seen the growth of administrative roles across our campus. We believe that faculty should be not only aware of, but also involved in decisions around the creation of administrative positions.
Monitoring of Enrollment. Recent years have seen an aggressive push to increase Salisbury University student enrollment. We believe faculty should be involved in these decisions, particularly as they pertain to growing classroom size and increased workload for faculty.
Workload Equity. Increased enrollment, increased administrative roles (which lead to the development of new campus initiatives), and Gen Ed reform have all resulted in heavier workloads for faculty. We are committed to ensuring workloads are equitably distributed across faculty on campus, that workloads are reasonable, and that extra workloads which go above and beyond our contractual obligations as faculty are fairly compensated.
Statewide AAUP Connections. We seek to maintain and expand our connections to AAUP chapters at other campuses in the University of Maryland System, strengthening our ties, allowing us to have better insight into how challenges to higher ed are being handed by other campuses in our system, and broadening our advocacy resources.